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Inet.Mail Perseus

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Версия: 2.0.9

Дата изменения: 2002-10-04 11:32:14

Автор программы: Hethmon Brothers

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Информацию прислал: Deniska -- 2002-10-04 11:32:14

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Inet.Mail Perseus for OS/2 is a full featured SMTP/POP3 server for the OS/2 environment. It features a Java Manager interface for all functions and has been designed from the ground up to take advantage of OS/2's multi-tasking and multi-threading. Inet.Mail Perseus completely replaces traditional sendmail and takes the mystery and agony from configuring internet mail.

Inet.Mail Perseus has the ability to support multiple mail domains with a single server. Each mail domain contains its own username space so that user @ domain1.com is different than user @ domain2.com. This solution is idea for Internet Service Providers wishing to support multiple customer domains on a single machine or for companies which need to show two or more corporate identities.

Inet.Mail Perseus also has the ability to host multiple virtual domains on a single ip address. In our teminology, a mail domain is a server which has a unique ip address assigned to it. A virtual mail domain is a server which uses the same ip address as the mail domain it is associated with. So you can now create a mail domain, and then associate as many virtual domains with it as you like. This enables you to support multiple domains on a single server machine without having to assign a unique ip address for each domain.

Inet.Mail Perseus also has the ability to selectively queue mail for domains to pick up on demand using the SMTP extension command ETRN. This is particularly effective for customers who wish to run their own mail server but only connect via a dial-up line. The dial-up customers can choose when their mail is downloaded to their server.

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