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OS/2 - это совершенно другая операционная система для PC (ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp)
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IBM OS/2 Warp Server for e-business

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Description * FAQ * Reviews * Whatsnew * License * Testimonials

Версия: 3.9

Дата изменения: 2003-01-31 17:56:34

Автор программы: PillarSoft

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Информацию прислал: Deniska -- 2003-01-31 17:56:34

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WarpZip offers a fresh new way to handle your archives. The integration of a directory tree as part of the interface makes unarchiving complete archives or just selected file(s) from an archive to any directory as simple as a 3 inch drag and drop, to ANYWHERE on your drives. If you don't have the directory you want, create it! You can also open any folder from the directory tree for drag and drop operations. Delete any directory or even complete directory trees from WarpZip!

WarpZip's Download PreProcessor allows your browsing sessions to sport one click downloads that obey your every whim. It will selectively move your downloaded zip files to any directory you choose, test them for integrity, virus test them and queue them up for later review by WarpZip. All this is handled seamlessly in the background while you spend your online time making your browser session count. When you're offline, WarpZip will be waiting with the list of files you've downloaded. It will automatically load them in it's queue on startup and present you with any test results you may have requested.

OS/2 Packed file extensions can have "_" or "@" or no extension at all. So how do you locate them? Better yet, how do you locate and see what files are archived inside of them? We are unaware of any software that will help you find those almost unrecognizable OS/2 packed files except WarpZip.

WarpZip will search a directory, directory tree, hard disk or CD for zip files as well as OS/2 packed files. It will add or delete files from archives, view files in archives or you can test run them (to do an installation, for example) and let WarpZip clean up after you. You can test zip files or run virus scans, view bitmaps, grep, build self extractors, copy, move, rename... well... you get the picture...

WarpZip Lite is described here - [url]

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