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Users of eCS, eCS whatsnew, ported software

TITLE: Users of eCS, eCS whatsnew, ported software

DATE: 2013-07-19 03:18:24

AUTHOR: Eugene Gorbunoff

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Q: What motivates the fans of OS/2?

Indeed, back in the 1990s there were "true OS/2 fans". This movement was a sort of an "opposition" to Windows. However, as Windows becomes more widespread and popular than OS/2 itself, fans' activity diminishes.

Is there a need to unleash a hatred against Windows OS among users? No, we haven't posted anything like that in the news in the last 10 years... We don't want to do it now either.

Q: Why would one need eCS when Windows is available?

eCS is a source of income for the system's devoted fans. Users, developers and sellers of the turnkey solutions have invested their time and money in eCS. Apparently, OS has to bring in an income. And this is possible only when system evolves, new software is released and conferences take place.

What features does eCS need so that people want to buy it? A: It has to be unique (different from others) and high quality (reliable) product.

Q: How does one add new features to the operating system?

In the days of DOS there was a great number of tiny utilities and programs that user used to execute one by one or in a batch.

In the mid 90-s operating systems started to include all the functionality of these utilities: user sees an empty desktop, but as soon as he opens a document, new windows/dialogs appear. The idea is to add new modules and functions to the OS.

But in this case it is easy to get a "monsterous" (bloated, large and unmaintainable) product. One has to stop at certain point. Also, duplication of the functionality of the existing products harms independent developers. Solution: license software products from independent developers and include them into OS distribution.

Q: What's wrong with ported software?

Who needs yet another Windows (a system with "Windows-like interface, where several Windows applications run)? Who would want yet another Linux?

Porting software from other OSes will not attract new users. It will not make the OS unique. Such software eventually is important for satisfaction of users' needs.

Ported (GUI) applications are different somehow. Control and widgets look different, the whole experience is different. Almost every OS/2 user used to work with StarOffice, Lotus SmartSuite, OpenOffice. These software suites were developed in other OS and then ported using "wrappers". There's some sort of discomfort in using them.

Q: How much one should invest in native/ported software?

Here's the appropriate investment scheme for OS developers/investors:

  • invest 1/2 into native system utilities and applications to make system experience more comfortable
  • invest 1/2 into porting of libraries (i.e. import of technologies)

There have to be barriers (so called "taxes") for porting of existing GUI applications. As well as "tax" on usage of eCS as a guest environment inside virtuals machines.

Then invest these funds into development of native software.

If we do not secure the market, ported software will "burn" everything native that is left.

Q: What are the most important changes in eCS 2.2?

I would like to mention improved printer support. It is much easier now to attach a printer, and CUPS printing system supports most modern inkjet printers.

What's next? Here's an idea for indie developers: write an all-in-one software for image printing (booklet printing, printing of MxN photos on the sheet of paper).

Q: What installer will be used in the future - WarpIn or RPM/YUM?

We will use RPM/YUM for ported software. Native programs will be distributed in WarpIn format. These two will exist side by side. In the next 3 years WarpIn will be the main installer for eCS. (If users/developers will continue to use it and pack software in wpi format).

Q: What innovations and cool features will be implemented in eCS?

Our main priority right now is to "satisfy users' and investors' demands". We have to support our clients and develop for them essential "must have" software. Period.

It is useless to create super GUI-interface or "unseen before" applications - time and resources will be wasted and interesting features will be copied by our competitors.

However software developers might want to take the initiative and create something new (new dialog window, widget etc) themselves.

Q: Users of OS/2 and eCS are "old farts" and they lack initiative, aren't they?

Well, such opinion exists. But I believe they are pretty busy people. They don't waste their time and troll on forums, but only post essential things.

Lots of things are up to our users. They should take more pictures, screenshots. And show pictures of computers running eCS to other people.

Q: .. and they don't attend conferences either

Our users are ordinary people. They use computers daily, but they might visit eCS websites once a year.

Speaking of conferences, eCS support, well, there's still a lot of thing that need to be done. All ideas concerning reform of Warpstock conference are collected in this article. [F]

Q: What is the best computer for eCS?

Almost any PC should run eCS. There are limitations though [TT]

If you prefer laptops of certain brands, it's better to choose ThinkPad.

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CalcMi - калькулятор, результат вычисляется по мере того, как вводите выражение.


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