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Warpstock Europe: Changes |
TITLE: Warpstock Europe: Changes
DATE: 2013-05-25 15:19:46
AUTHOR: eCo Software
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2013/05/26, 15:00 MSK
It's clear that the conferences are very important, and give impulse
for work during the next 12 monthes.
We expect that the next confrence will attract more visitors and
more speakers. How to change Warpstock conference and make it successful,
make it "grow"?
A. What "successful conference" means?
- IF we attract more visitors (that's why we talk about the program, the presentations, the city, ..),
- IF the visitors and speakers work all 3 days and don't run away (that's why we are discussing chairs, length of presentation, the order, ..),
- IF the visitors take memories and come to the next conference (that's why we talk about souvenirs, photo stands and walls, social events, ..)
B. The Conference is a process, not Target only
Study during the whole semester to be ready for examination..
The D-day (the conference week-end) makes the developers finish
all projects in short terms, find the targets and correct the plans.
The conference it's like an examination. The year may be closed if
the examination (conference) was organized and the students (users)
made the presentations, demonstrated the annual report.
No examination - no switch to the next year.
6 monthes marathon |
6 monthes to prepare products and materials
The conference starts in 12 monthes before D-Day.
The developers declare what they will make during the year.
And declare what presentations they will show.
The conference is not simple meeting of people,
this is the meeting of people which were working during the whole year
and preparing materials for the conference.
// The speakers don't describe something what exist and was created by
other people. They make work by themselves and then present the results
of own work.
Conclusion: the list of presentations should be available in advance,
in 6 monthes. So the visitors can prepare for the trip, prepare questions.
And the speakers have time to make efforts to complete the projects for D-Day.
C. What changes to make?
The format of Warpstock Europe was established several years ago
and every conference follows the standard plan.
Is it good idea to modify the format of the conference now?
Publish list of presentations in advance |
6 monthes before..
Collect list of presentations and publish in advance (6 - 10 monthes)
- The users which are going visit the conference, see what is the program
and make the decision to visit it.
- The developers start work at the same day when declare own presentation.
Critics: The speakers are slow and send the description of presentation in the last moment
Second part of day |
More interactivity in the 2-nd part of day
It's very-very hard to listen the presentations in the second part of day.
All people are tired, sleepy.
Many visitors go away after the launch in the second part of day.
Or they go away because don't know about coming presentations
How to hold the visitors?
How to fix this? It's necessary make other kind of meetings.
For example, workshops with the developers. No slides, live chat only.
Everybody can make the questions and discuss the details.
Let's say, the workshops are organized in 2 rooms
and five developers sit there.
Large, most popular and heavy presentations should be demonstrated
at 10:00 and at ~ 16:00 (not in the morning only).
- + More visitors in the 2-nd part of day
20 active users |
Free tickets for active users
Let's give 20 tickets to the most active users and developers.
(free ticket + free hotel + eCS subscription).
How to select "the most acive"? Who will cover the expenses?
- + Attract more visitors
- + The news related to "Selecton of 20 active users"
attract attention to the conference
Photos |
Photos of the speakers
It's always difficult make good photos of the speakers.
Let's give 30 seconds for photographers to make some photos (after/before)
with selected slides in the backround. [this is important for good reports]
Notes: Not all speakers like this
Social events |
Remove restrictions
Social event (restaurant or tourist walk) should be available for
all guests of the conference by default. People can't imagine what
do they miss, it's necessary invite more people, so they get more
impressions from the conference. Of course, the visitor can decline
the invitation.
Social event is important for communication among people.
Notes: It's impossible invite all guests, there are restrictions
Workshops |
Exhibition of applications
1) There should be a room where the users can talk with the developers of
applications. The list of developers should be published in advance. There
should be 3-5 chairs around every table.
Notes: It was useful in the past. Today everybody can download demo version
of application by himself.
Artefacts |
It's important to generate eCS / OS/2 Warp artefacts and sell/give
this items to the visitors. (pens, mugs, flashdisks, ..), to keep
the "religion" alive. The manufacturing requires high expenses.
Preview of presentations |
Preview in the morning
1) All speakers make short presentations (5 minutes) in the morning to attract
attention of the visitors. 7 speakers x 5 min = 35 minutes
2) Moreover, the speakers can publish video clips
in advance with promo of the presentation.
Recommendations for speakers |
Let's recommend to all speakers:
- make live presentation, don't use slides.
- Flyers - too many flyers every day, people ignore any papers.
- Banners - too many adv banners around, people ignore any banner or slideshow
Notes: There are recommendations on the homepage of the conference
Commercial price-list |
Opportunities for companies
Every developer has the right to make the presentation. Free of charge.
(Of course, he should contact the organizers in 6 monthes, declare the topic).
Free services:
- opportunity to make presentation
- announcements of the presentations in WSE newsletters
- table with monitor at Workshop room
There should be official price-list for companies and speakers which need extra services:
- Additional wallpaper banners = x
- Additional presentation = x
- Logo of the company at WSE Wallpaper for photos = x
Discounts |
What is the reason for people spend 50 EURO .. 1000 EURO
to visit the conference?! It's necessary sell Software pack
(10 popular apps with discount 70%), sell Thinkpad laptops
with eCS pre-installed (with discount).
So the users can compensate the expenses and get profit.
Notes: The users purchased needed shareware applications already
Promotion |
Promotion of the conference
1) The success of previous conference:
The only real method to promote the conference - make the photos,
make the reports from the conference and demonstrate the materials
to all interested people. Remind about the
results of the previous conference *before the next one*
(Demonstrate the materials again).
2) Rotate banners with presentation titles:
(similar to WSE2011 banners)
Notes: The web-sites should agree to rotate the promo banners.
Wallpaper |
Wallpaper with logos
We offered make a wallpaper with WSE20xx logo (look at TV press-conferences)
so all visitors get the photos with WSE logo at home/facebook photo album.
Notes: Gerrit was using stands/columns with WSE logo in the past.
Standard food portions |
Feed the visitors with small amounts of food in the middle of the day.
Don't give 200% size portions, else the visitors are sleepy.
Notes: Every user is free to select how much to eat
Sunday |
Empty day
Every time the same situation: sunday.. people go away at 12:00 .. before 15:00.
Every day of the event is important
and it's necessary present important presentations at 10:00 and 16:00
of this day to hold people at the conference.
D. The role of government
"Government" is the company which holds the agreements and is responsible
for eCS distribution at the current moment. Current: Mensys BV.
Raise topics |
Raise topics
It's necessary raise N topics on the conference (force the discussion),
in other words order the research / presentation preparation from some
developers / specialists. One presentation may be prepared by 3-5
specialists (1 speaker + theses from the developers).
External resources |
Invite other IT companies
The conference requires external investments, external resources.
For example, let's invite Thinkpad as sponsor.
Other companies which had (have) relation to IBM and OS/2 Warp.
Invite large customers which are using eCS today.
(Remember the video about Warpstock 2000 and stands of famous corporations
and companies)
The government invites "external companies".
Solutions developers |
Solutions developers
The developers of "Solutions based on eCS and OS/2" is a separate
category. The government is responsible invite this companies
to the conference. Notify in advance, support the preparation of
the presentations.
E. Commercial visitors
More companies (businessmen) and developers should visit the conference.
They agree to spend time and money if the event gives profit.
- Special presentation: "investment into OS/2 projects"
so the visitors can discuss commercial opportunities.
- eComStation resellers meeting
- The announcements of the conference should
mention the names of companies (and products) which are going
participate in the event
F. What are the interests of the visitors?
1) Are you going make a presentation?
The conference is a good chance to
- demonstrate your applications to the users
- present success story of eComStation usage;
- share your libraries with other developers;
- learn new eComStation technologies and share the knowledge with other developers;
- present own concept of OS development;
- inform developers which software and drivers should be created;
2) Moreover, the visit of the conference gives you:
- Communications
- You are meeting with other users and developers from different countries, different cultures;
- If you are a developer, then you are meeting with your clients. Ask them what do they need;
- Meet the users from your city and region. The conference may help you create Local User Group;
- Get fresh news and secret information when chatting.
- Income/experience
- The visit of Germany/Netherlands is good for your experience, you can see how german/dutch people are working, why they are so productive.
- You are collecting information what is the trend of OS/2 development. This helps you safe the efforts and don't spend then time to fake goals after return to home.
- If you are a designer then watch the design of german/dutch houses, clothes, banners
- Improve your english(/deutch/dutch), no need to buy tutorials of english language
- You are mobilizing while preparing for the conference. You are generating more ideas, more code while preparing for D-Day.
- Present your program to sell it
- Vacations
- If you don't have a report then interpret the trip as short vacations
Комментарии: Christian H.  2013-05-26 20:14:53 | While you raise some valid points, I'm afraid the whole discussion is moot because barely anyone is interested in holding the event to begin with. AFAICT 2011 only saw an event because Roderick stepped in – once again. There was no event in 2012 because nobody was interested. Same situation in 2013 and Roderick tried to shoulder the whole thing again in addition to his already huge work-load. Naturally, the result had potential for improvement. |