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How to replace the adapter in your notebook?

some notebooks don't allow change of WiFi adapters, how to fix this:

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Q: I added other WiFi adapter to Thinkpad but it is not visible

Ed Durrant I know with my T30, I had to apply a patch to the IBM Thinkpad BIOS to allow it to accept a non-IBM variant of the Intel 2200BG WiFi card - so it looks like the Thinkpad BIOS is coded only to allow cards sold by IBM (or in later models Lenovo). It's probably worth checking some of the Linux forums to see if they have had the same issues.
Thorolf you either need a card from IBM/Lenovo that is explicit supported by this laptop or you have to look for an hacked BIOS for this model, that does not check the IDs of the network card.

Maybe you even can replace/hack the BIOS of the network card itself to get it running, there are people who made a Dell/Intel WiFi-card IBM/Lenovo-compatible. There are no other options for any ThinkPad after the T42-series!

Lewis I haven't seen this with other notebooks, though admittedly, I only really support ThinkPads. There's a good overview of the issue on ThinkWiki: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problem_with_unauthorized_MiniPCI_network_card It's not an insurmountable problem (usually), and I consider it to be a minor annoyance (fix it once, and the problem is solved pretty much forever, or until your CMOS battery dies... ;-) . If a particular vendor-branded card doesn't work, these things are cheap enough to be able to spring an extra $30 for one which *does*, and then dump - for a similar price - the one which does not (to someone with a more compatible machine).

As for there being "no other options for any ThinkPad after the T42-series!," that is a rather broad statement, and as Diane's T61 works fine with the included 3945 and the 4965 I swapped into it, and as my T43 works fine with the Intel-branded (boxed) 2915, I think it's safe to say that these things are not typically insurmountable problems with machines after the T42...

Doug Bissett

UNSUPPORTED mode actually works best, when a similar (possibly even the same) device already has GENMAC support, but with a different PCI identifier. For instance, GENMAC supports the 1969:1048, but the user has 1969:1026. Now, IF the two devices actually use the same windows driver, you can simply copy the directory to the appropriate new name, then change the informaton in the *.NIF file (in \IBMCOM\MACS), to match the device. Also, change the line in the [OPTIONS] section to: Default = "UNSUPPORTED" Then, use Adapters and Protocols (AKA MPTS) to install the device. If it works, great, if not, then you start to play with substituting various windows drivers, to see if you can get it to go (win2K drivers seem to work best, but winXP drivers are also good).

Rodney Pont

When I first installed my Attansic it would only run at 10meg. Looking in the inf file (\genmac\driver\wrapper*\*.inf) the HKR_MediaType had been defined twice, firstly as auto and then again as 10meg further down. Removing the second entry fixed it and it now runs at 1gig.



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