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Дорожная карта eComstation (август, 2010)

  Date: 2010-08-30 17:25:40
Коореспондент: Roderick Klein, Mensys BV

(текст будет переведен на русский язык в течение недели)

I'm posting this message because a discussion was running on OS2WORLD about a roadmap for eCS 2.0 and beyond. Please find my presentation from Warpstock 2009 in Stralsund and 2010 in Trier about eComStation 2.0 for more details.

Программы на базе Mozilla: Mensys has provided funding so that Mozilla products like Firefox/Thunderbird will have printing support again (not created a PDF on the desktop). Expect a public release in the coming 2 to 3 weeks. These fixes will go of course into the public source tree so future builds will have printing support as well.

USB-стек: Work is still slowly on its way to improve the USB stack. But its a big job. At least another 2 to 3 months before a public release of a new driver package is to be expected. It will contain vastly improved USB host controller drivers for USB 1.1/2.0. USBD.SYS will have bug fixes and new versions of USBKBD.SYS and USBMOUSE.SYS have been made. It only makes sense to release this is a single package. Its after this that we will look at USB MSD support, that requires a whole lot more work. Currently USB 3.0 is not yet worked on since we need more stable base USB support. Currenly all USB 3.0 devices should be backwards compatible with USB 2.0.

Видеодрайвер Panorama VESA: Work to enhance Panorama graphics driver is still being worked on. Research in a generic wide screen enabler and a tool to always set MTRR registers on modern machines properly so you always have the proper performance. SNAP in that respect is not receiving updates for a different reasons. Part of these reasons is because we don't have the financial and human resources to support all graphics chipsets and the revisions.

Поддержка сетевых адаптеров: We just release the Intel NIC driver e1000e.OS2 that should support al current Intel gigabit chipset. We are looking at expanding this beyond to Realtek gigabit and Broadcom Gigabit. A new version of the Nvidia gigabit driver is on its way as well with bug fixes. No wireless support is currently planned as our cooperated customers have a need for wired support. Wireless support is planned to be worked on later this year.

Драйвер Danis506: A new build of the Daniela IDE driver is being tested by a group of people. We hope to release that to hobbes within the next week or so. AHCI driver is right now under development. Time frame is hard to give when this driver is released. At Mensys we hope to receive a binary version of the driver within the next 2 weeks or so. But this binary build is for internal testing only.

Плагин Flash 10: Flash 10 required some extensive debugging but we hope todo a release within the next month. Some of the hangs on SMP where caused by a bug in ODIN.

Аудиодрайвер Uniaud: Uniaud is still receiving updates and we have pretty good current audio support.

Офисный пакет In about 2 weeks time we will release OpenOffice 3.2 to the public (people who have an active software subscription can then download it).

Более того: More stuff on the way but as you can see plenty of stuff being worked. And some things have an uncertain time frame when its released. This to make certain the drivers/software simply have a decent level of functionality (that is not crashing).

So far 2010 is the best year in terms of sales to companies using eComStation. This has enabled us to even hire more people to get work done.


Andrew Grinin
2010-09-05 08:53:57


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