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Если вам удалось завести новый адаптер с Genmac Wrapper, то соберите пакет драйверов, пришлите его нам. (пришлите свою контактную информацию через веб-форму)


(instructions in PDF format)

  • The presentation "GenMAC with Supported and Unsupported Hardware" at WarpStock US 2008: http://www.warpstock.org/filemgmt/index.php?id=123
  • The presentation "LAN01: Using Unsupported NICs with GenMac" (WarpStock Europe 2008)

Instructions (User 11)

Martin Iturbide (2014/06)

Instructions (User 1)

BlondeGuy instructions

Instructions (User 5)

Dmitry Frolov reminds: instructions here

Instructions (User 2)

  • Step 1: Find Windows XP driver, install it inside Windows XP, find the files for your network adapter:
    • .sys file
    • .inf file

    Notes: How did you create the INF?

    If it is a Windows-registry export converted from unicode to ASCII it is correct, if it is just the Windows-INF that came with the driver it is wrong and the driver runs with minimal default settings without using the INF at all.

    Sometimes this might work, but most times it does not!

  • Step 2: Install Genmac Wrapper. Read the list of supported cards and find one that is a close match to yours - same chipset for example or the known fact that XYZ also supports ABC on other platforms. Force Genmac installer to install driver for similar chipset, example: 14E4:4311

    Add to config.sys (then reboot):

  • Step 3: ..
  • Step 10: .. Install XWLAN widget.

Instructions (User 3)

// X1

  • Scan the list of supported cards and find one that is a close match to yours - same chipset for example or the known fact that XYZ also supports ABC on other platforms.
  • Install genmac as per usual. How to force Genmac installer to install driver for 14E4:4311?

    Add to config.sys:

  • cd to c:/ibmcom/macs. There will be a load of W*****.NIF files which are inserted by Genmac install. The naming convention is WX.NIF
  • Find the one for your chosen near match. Copy the near match to your new name. Open with your favourite editor and change the title - This is what appears as the card description in MPTS - Change vendor and device IDs. Change the windows SYS and INF file names. Save the file.
  • open genm32w.os2 with a hex editor, starting around offset 5C40 is the list of supported cards. Search for your near match. Change the SYS and INF files names and descriptor as before. About 20 bytes *before* the description is the hex vendor and device IDs - Zap them to your new ones. Remember that PCs have byte order reversed. So in my case, 10B7 6056 I zapped it to B710 5660. Save the file.
  • cd to c:/genmac/driver. Create a directory WRAPPER_<pci vendor>_<pci device> into this directory you just created copy the Win .SYS & .INF files.
  • Reboot and see what happens. Genmac writes a log of sorts into c:genmacdriver as WRND32.LOG. Also c:/ibmcom/lantran.log may yeild some clues. Notes. Now the two bytes after the vendor/device in genm32w.os2 appear to be flag bits - but of course we don't know what they mean and I very much doubt that anyone is going to tell us :-) The "no hardware in protocol.ini" message basically means it can't find the device/vendor id specified. Which was what I was getting with all the above done except the hex vendor/device zap. It would be nice to know the debug switches for Genmac, but again I doubt we will be told - Because of course we are all to stupid to understand. Hope it helps someone. -- Regards Dave Saville

Instructions (User 4)

(thx sigurd fastenrath)

// X2

while trying with the EEE this has been used to install the LAN and WLAN drivers with GENMAC; usually unsupported so far.

First you should have the "new" drviers, .nif files and a according genm32w.os2 file. (I don't knowhow to manage this, Hansdampf 2 did it in this case - Thansk a lot!!)

Then you can go on like this:

  • Open an OS/2 Window to install a "nearby" adapter that is already supported with GENMAC 2.2
  • Force the GENAMC to install the given Drivers with GENMAC 2.2:
    SET GENMAC_INSTALL_IDLIST=168C:001B 1969:1049
  • Change to the warpin directory of eCS ( c:\ecs\install\warpin ) Install Genmac 2.2 from the command line:

    warpin.exe p:\eeepc\genmac220.wpi (the place where you have the genmac220.wpi file)

  • Copied the "new" drivers to
    • c:\ecs\system\genmac\driver
    • c:\IBMCOM\MACS
  • Copied the "new" file genm32w.os2 to the two destinations too
  • Copied the ".nif" files to
    • c:\ecs\system\genmac\nif
    • c:\IBMCOM\MACS
  • open the ecs Lan Adapter configuration and select both of the new drivers that should be listed there. Used the WLAN as Adapter 0, the LAN as Adapter 1, used for WLAN only TCPIP, for LAN TCPIP and NETBIOS over TCPIP
  • Reboot
  • Installed XWLAN 310 as it is described in the according manual



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